
improved spiritual condition at the deepest levels

stillness, calmness, neutrality, joy

a big boost to your ability to further improve your spiritual condition
When I deliver this process (remotely), I exchange your “Ultimate-self” for a new clean one, while retaining your self-definition, personality, abilities, support-structures etc.
This process works on the deepest and most fundamental parts of you, and it will also improve the condition of body systems (including energy-bodies) etc. which most people have some degree of awareness of.
The most valuable benefit it delivers is that your ability to further improve your spiritual condition will be dramatically improved, since most types of spiritual limitations will be almost entirely gone, which makes remaining types of limitations much simpler and easier to work with (see below for details of all this).
“Exciting to see the changes in daily life: self-confidence, power, happiness, stability etc.”
“I’m feeling more clarity, inspiration and flow“
(Sean Redmond)
“Amazing changes, the feeling is no limits, because I am experiencing a new way of being.”
(Evita Marchiori)
Who can benefit from the
Ultimate-self Restart process?
This process will benefit anyone, although people with more spiritual awareness are likely to be more aware of the results.
“Thank you for helping me become a better me.”
“I felt a spiritual freshness never felt before. This feeling then materialized in daily material life in radical changes both at work and in relationships with other people.“
(Sara Rusignuolo)
“I can sense a profound change since you did the process.”
(Leandro Costa)
How the process is delivered:
All parts of the process are delivered remotely.
When you pay, by clicking the button below, you receive confirmation that you’re going to be receiving the process. I do pre-processing over a period of three days, which mainly consists of adding clean support-structures as an alternative to ones which are fundamentally built on limitations.
I then email you a link to my calendar App so you can schedule a date and time for me to do the main process . . .
. . . at the scheduled time I select a new, clean Ultimate-self which is compatible with you. I give that new Ultimate-self your self-definition-structure which makes it “you”, and it immediately moves to be next to you.
You (with my help) put your attention through the new one rather than the old one which (with my help) moves away from you. After one hour, most of your attention is running through the new Ultimate-self (which can result in a profound sense of stillness), and I erase the old one along with the vast amount of spiritually limiting structures it contains, and you continue being yourself via the new one.
I also give you my recommendations of the most effective and efficient ways to continue improving your spiritual condition, and details of a forum where you can discuss anything relevant with me and others.
I then do post-processing over the next three days which includes integrating your Eshus (which is important when big changes are made, so you don’t get problems), depolarization and very deep changes and improvements to your spiritual configuration and condition.
Important note on the results of the process . . .
The Ultimate-self Restart is a very advanced process. On the planet where the new Ultimate-selves are created (details below), it is only available for beings who already have good awareness over the whole 5 million chains of universes, and whom can easily and rapidly fix any reactions in their body-systems from the changes.
The changes from the process are significant and deep, and this can sometimes cause temporary problems with body systems (often due to improvements which need help to manifest fully or new connections in order for improved systems to function well etc.)
If you have any body problems, email me as soon as you notice them and I will handle them, but that might take time, and I will generally focus as much as I can on working with your new Ultimate-self (since that gives you the most value from this process).
If you are not yet able to handle any potential problems with your body-systems from the Ultimate-self Restart process, yourself (which is likely to include being able to process Eshus, Morphic-fields, power-supply connections and any of the 143 energy-bodies), you might like to pay someone else to do that for you . . . my colleague Sean can do that for you if you wish (you can email me for his contact details after you purchase the Ultimate-self Restart process).
“I am at a higher level of freedom in general, my awareness, self-confidence, independence are in a far better state.”
The Ultimate-self Restart process is extremely valuable, but I have decided to make it available at very a realistic price . . .
No refunds. For Spiritual Services Agreement and Limitation of Liability, see near the bottom of the main website (
Discounted price currently:
$500 Now $400 only:
Please contact me now to arrange payment:
“Huge milestone”
(Leandro Costa)
“This has been a great experience, a big change and a big step forward for me.”
“I really appreciate what you have done – I have felt a significant shift and see things very differently.”
Relevant Details:
Who am I?

I’m Chris Melchior. I will personally be delivering the Ultimate-self Restart process to you.
I’ve been improving my spiritual condition on a daily basis for about 25 years now, and was able to develop good direct spiritual awareness unusually rapidly.
That enabled me to develop what I call “awareness-based-clearing” which involves using awareness to discover new perspectives and processes to improve spiritual conditions, working in synergy with a few others who are also discovering effective new processes and empirical perspectives.
That approach enabled even more rapid and effective progress with my spiritual condition.
My websites include:, which includes lots of unique information about relevant topics, such as details of the building-blocks of the universe above this one, and of each of the universes in this chain-of-universes (neither of which is available from anyone else)., which includes details of many of the 143 energy-bodies (current versions of spiritual traditions, between them, are aware of around fifteen of those), as well as exact descriptions of the between-lives-sequence and the process for effective transmigration., which describes many specific types of spiritual limitations and how to handle them effectively, as well as essential principles for effective improvement of one’s spiritual condition.
I also own a spiritual discussion group which has been active for 24 years, and the “Empirical Spirituality” FaceBook Group.
How I discovered this process:

I was investigating the possibility of exchanging one’s Ultimate-self for a new, clean one in some way. I spotted something which was of significance for doing that . . .
Due to an unusual situation a few years ago while I was facilitating someone’s transmigration, I needed to create a new Ultimate-self on a human body.
There are various ways to do this, and I chose to help one of her energy-bodies create a new Ultimate-self. Looking back on the results from that, I was very interested to spot how much the context of where a new Ultimate-self is created, influences its initial condition.
I have contact with beings in very good spiritual condition, in a location (off earth) where a lot of effective spiritual improvement is done, so I wondered what the initial condition would be of a new Ultimate-self created in that environment, and in contact with many beings who are “unlimited” (they have no spiritually limiting structures).
Having a look at that, I found that they already have a bunch of new Ultimate-selves created in that environment, ready for use in the process of exchanging one’s Ultimate-self for a new one. I requested permission to use one of those, and was granted permission to do so, provided I create a new Ultimate-self there, each time I use one.
I investigated the details of exactly how the do this process, and implemented it on myself, with extraordinary results.
Note that, once this process is implemented on you, you will retain some degree of contact with that location where there are many unlimited beings. This is a further improves your spiritual condition and your ability to make further progress.
What is ultimate-self?
You, the “human” self, exist within a universe, which exists within a much larger system (of chains of universes). Ultimate-self is the most senior and fundamental structure which implements the existence of “you” (distinguished from other “selves” by a unique self-definition-structure) over this whole system.
Ultimate-self is the part of you which is most fundamentally and directly “you”. It is the part of you which is still you next lifetime, after you go through the between-lives sequence or transmigrate, and is still “you” no matter how much you change your personality, characteristics, spiritual condition etc.
The diagram below illustrates some concepts of how ultimate-self relates to universes . . .

Notes on the diagram above.
I have illustrated this universe, with the “playing-field” (illustrated in black) which consists of objects and energies in space, on a time-line (this is what current science considers to be “the universe”). In gray around that is the rest of the physical-version of this universe (which includes definitions, supporting-structures etc.). The white circle around that is the Magick-universe version of this physical-universe, which is where your energy-bodies (including spirit and soul) exist.
The degree to which each universe in a chain-of-universes is bigger than the one below it, is really much larger than illustrated (which is why it is very much more efficient to do spiritual processing from at least two universes senior to what you are processing).
The infinite-life-universe is what is pointed to by some traditions, with concepts such as “eternal life” etc.
The number of universe-chains within this group of universe-chains is really about 5 million.
Types of spiritual limitations contained within Ultimate-self:
- Item-chains, (one of the most significant types of non-ideal, having a huge effect on personality, limitations etc.)
- Excuses-and-justifications
- Harmful Justified Actions
- Breaks on flows
- Problems
- Conditions (being effect of an automatic action)
- Implants
- Negative incidents
So those type of limitations, above, will be mostly removed from your spiritual configuration, by the Ultimate-self Restart process.
Those types of limitations above, strongly link to each other, which makes them complex and challenging to process effectively. For example if a person can’t communicate well (eg. due to a break in a relevant flow), then they are going to have problems. If they have problems, then they are going to commit harmful acts. If they commit harmful acts, then they are going to have upsets. If they have upsets, then they are going to have to use data as a substitute for being there directly themselves (i.e. excuses and justifications, which act as a filter through which one views things).
And that’s just one of the ways that some of these types of limitations link to each other. Another reason for linkages is that some types of limitations use other types of limitations, and so they hold onto them strongly. For example, an excuse-and-justification will often hold onto a negative incident in order to use it to excuse and justify things.
The types of limitations which remain after the Ultimate-self Restart process:
- spiritual limitations directly created in present time
- spiritual limitation structures which you placed into universes
- non-ideal conditions of the body-systems (including energy-bodies).
I will tell you how I process each one of those types of limitations (and the small degree of stored-context some of them might maintain), as part of the information you receive when you do the Ultimate-self Restart process.
While the new Ultimate-self you receive in this process, will be entirely clean initially (it will contain no structures which implement spiritual limitations), within a few hours it will no longer be perfectly clean, but the amount of limiting structures within it will be a very tiny fraction of what was there before (for me it was about a millionth of what was there before), and those remaining limiting structures are essential for you to learn from, so you can become fully free from the causes of you originally choosing to use those types of limitations.
Your awareness of the changes made by the process, whether the tiny amount of limitations still present in Ultimate-self increases or decreases, and your ability to make use of those changes for further improvement of your spiritual condition, depends, to some extent, on your previous spiritual condition and experience at effective spiritual processing.
What the pre-processing and post-processing stages of the Ultimate-self Restart process do:
There are beings in this universe (although none on earth currently) who have no structures which implement spiritual limitations.
Their condition is not just the absence of limiting structures, it also requires significant support-structures which implement the different resources needed to maintain their entirely clean condition.
One can add some of the support-structures for a clean condition, before attaining that fully clean condition.
This helps with processing, because these support-structures provide a preferable alternative to the structures which implement limitations.
For the Ultimate-self Restart process, it is necessary for me to add some of these support-structures for the clean condition, for the clean new Ultimate-self to use. So that’s the main thing I am doing in the pre-processing.
These support-structures for clean operation are calm, neutral, dark, all-pervasive, and powerful, and in their own right confer a significant improvement in spiritual condition.
During the post-processing, I improve your spiritual configurations at a very deep level, process the root causes of some of the remaining limitations, integrate Eshus (to avoid problems that they’d cause otherwise) and do what I can to improve your spiritual condition in general.
“A major shift.”
(Leandro Costa)
“I feel lighter and fresher than before, I have the feeling that everyday life has much less influence on me and my outlook is more optimistic.”
(Luciano Virgilio)
“The process has also kick started me into taking more responsibility for my spiritual progress.”
“A great sense of liberation”
The Ultimate-self Restart process is extremely valuable, but I have decided to make it available at very a realistic price . . .
No refunds. For Spiritual Services Agreement and Limitation of Liability, see near the bottom of the main website (
Discounted price currently:
$500 Now $400 only:
Please contact me now to arrange payment:
A lot of these testimonials were received when I did a follow-up with clients, a month after they’d received the process. So many of the results described by clients on this page are long-term benefits, not just what’s experienced within the ascension period shortly after the process is delivered.
“It has changed my perspective a lot, my awareness has increased a lot. Enormous change.” (Vincent)
“Such a privilege having this opportunity to process with you.” (Leandro Costa)
“When you did the initial exchange of the Ultimate-self, I felt joy and happiness when we contacted the place and acquired the new Ultimate-self. I was aware that some deep rearrangement was happening.
I now feel less subject to limitations. While limitations are still there inside the universes, I feel not very bothered by them. They don’t have the weight or density that they had before, so I feel my presence in the Physical Universe is lighter, less burdened. When I do spot a limitation, I can easily and quickly deal with it.” (Sean Redmond).
Roy said that the process changed him from his spiritual condition getting worse, to it being able to improve.
“People have been really nice to me. My kids are a lot calmer. Lot more loving.” (Tchai)
“I could notice a huge difference when connected to the new ultimate self.” (Leandro Costa)
“Much less reactive to things. Much more at cause. More focused on goals and action.” (Tchai)
“Processing seems more direct, easier and more effective.” (Sean)
“My perceptions are extremely awake.” (Evita Marchiori)
“A lot more exterior.” (Tchai)
“Overall my system seems to be more powerful, organised and cleaner.” (Leandro Costa)
“Body feels very calm. Work up this morning ready to be at cause over everything.” (Tchai)
“I’ve had very high spiritual moments.” (Sandra)
“Eyesight has improved.” (Tchai)
“Everything just seems to flow today. Traffic lights just changing when I get to the intersection. People moving out the way when I’m driving.” (Tchai)
“Physically I am much better.” (Evita Marchiori)
“The processing done now is more efficient than before, there’s less things to handle. It is more direct.” (Vincent)
“I am calmer, more determined and I have fewer charges and I more easily understand what is happening to me. In short, I have more vitality.” (Sandra)
“I feel I have more trust in myself and more patience.” (Carolina Marzorati)
“I feel very calm and contemplative.” (Mariana Damásio)
“I’m calm, relaxed, cleaned, without any type anger, and happy.” (Luciano Virgilio)
“I’m so grateful for the incredible work you do and for sharing your spiritual research and offering it through processes like this.” (Mariana Damásio)
Testimonials from people who have received other processes from me.
“I’m amazed by your work. I’ve been working with some immediate good results from the body point of view. Thank you, once again” (Leo),
“I feel really grateful to have found you and this information. Thanks again for your amazing work.” (Carol),
“Wow is really all that I can say here.” (Caleb),
“Very interesting and helpful! You truly gave me an insight I’ve tried to find for years that no one else has been able to give me. Thank you!” (Tamatu),
And Max Sandor (well known for having written “The Little Purple Notebook On How To Escape From This Universe”) wrote this recommendation on my LinkedIn Profile page : “Receiving the personal analysis from Chris, was certainly the most valuable service I have every received from anyone. I feel extremely lucky having his services come to my attention and I’m not aware of anyone offering anything comparable. Therefore, I can only recommend this and his other services I received wholeheartedly to everyone I know.”
The Ultimate-self Restart process is extremely valuable, but I have decided to make it available at very a realistic price . . .
No refunds. For Spiritual Services Agreement and Limitation of Liability, see near the bottom of the main website (
Discounted price currently:
$500 Now $400 only:
Please contact me now to arrange payment:
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